Monday 1 November 2010

An Ideal Husband - Episode Synopsis

After last week's dramatic ending I could not wait to see the next episode. Tissues were on hand and yes I used them.

There are many spoilers here so don't read on (obviously) if you don't want to know them;
  • Nora is doing a radio show and comments on her son's perfect marriage... you see you can already see tears are gonna happen...
  • Kevin is sleeping on the couch! Kevin delivers a classic line when Scotty says he won't go to the charity function that he is supposed to cook for that night, it's just too good a line to be written down you have to see it!
  • Sarah tells Luc she hasn't told the clan about their engagement but she has told the children and Connor was asking how long she would be married for as she wasn't married long to his Dad. Sarah worries she has set a terrible model for her son's future
  • Kitty wakes up next to Jack and things seem happy...for now
  • At the restaurant Sarah and Nora try to find out from Kevin what he's done to end up sleeping on the couch. When Kevin reveals the truth Scotty is in the room. Ouch awkward moment
  • Justin cannot believe the news about Scotty
  • Kevin visits Kitty and talks it over with her but he thinks she's taking Scotty's side over her previous "cheating moment" and storms away
  • Saul tells Scotty after he tries to explain through flashbacks what happened and Saul tells him he's never been so disappointed by anyone!
  • Kevin is having a bad day in court and outside Nora tries to calm him down which works... for a little while
  • Sarah admits to Luc that she's worried about getting married again and he says they will call it off then, but he's angry about it and doesn't go to the charity dinner
  • Kitty tells Sarah about Jack's job possibility in Vietnam and that she is thinking about it
  • At the dinner the guy Scott cheated on Kevin with is hired by Saul as a waiter and he brags to Justin about the last time he was at the restaurant!!! Then Kevin strolls up and flirts with Marcus
  • More flashbacks to the night of the restaurant opening show why Kevin and Scotty's relationship was falling apart
  • Through a lot of work trying to get Marcus just to leave Kevin finds out he's there and hits the wrong waiter but then Justin hits Marcus instead!
  • The next scene is another great Kevin & Scotty scene which is well acted as always by these two!
  • Sarah tells Luc she's ready to give the marriage a try! Woohoo!
  • Jack is talking about another job possibility and Kitty admits this is not her, she needs some stability for her and Evan.
  • Nora and Kevin talk and through another flashback we see where Kevin was when he should have been at Scotty's restaurant opening...
  • There follows a great scene where Saul apologises to Scotty for his earlier behaviour. Again great acting :-)
  • And I'll leave it there as you have your traditional Nora + clan booze celebrations and then Kevin rings Scotty right at the end and admits he has something to tell him too..
I think Kevin & Scotty will be just fine. Better than fine. 
What did you think of the episode?

1 comment:

  1. Matthew's preformance in the scene, after the waiter was hit, was AMAZING!! Made me cry! And so curious of what Kevin has to tell! U think he cheated with the bartender??


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