Tuesday 1 March 2011

Brody - Episode Synopsis

Again I know I'm late, will do better after this one I promise :-)

So yes this episode "Brody" sees;
  • Paige has a flour baby to look after in a project from school about the responsibilities of having to look after a child, see Uncle Kevin (Matthew Rhys) picture above and he's dressed him up. Oh so cute! The contents on the flour bag don't stay in the bag though and end up being used to cook muffins. As Paige has given her flour baby a name it does seem weird to eat the muffins as some of them find out!
  • Sarah is less supportive of the flour baby though and then recognises a caller on Nora's radio show. It's Brody!
  • He talks about visiting his true love and Nora recognises his voice also and trys to persuade him into not to coming, but he turns up! What a surprise...
  • For all the time Nora has been thinking about Brody in recent episodes she seems very stand offish and lies about what happened with William and seems ready to get him of Brody
  • Justin be-friends an ex-military man who also is very defensive of help much like Justin used to be but eventually he comes round to the idea, and turns up at Justin's with his bags
  • It seems everyone forgets about the flour baby and it's not just Paige who could learn from the experience
  • Brody's dog Lily isn't well and rather than sleeping in Brody's massive campervan she comes into the house and into Nora's room. Nora is woken up by Brody as he tries to get Lily out of the room!
  • Tommy leaving? No I 'd liked him being back in the series!
  • Brody leaves at the end... but is it goodbye? As Lily (the dog) has been so ill she is staying with Nora so he'll be back...

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