Wednesday 24 February 2010

Scotty's Poached Egg Tips

On the Brothers & Sisters ABC Website there is Scotty's food blog and there are some very helpful cookery pointers so I thought I'd share this one with you on poaching eggs.

So here are my favorite egg poaching pointers – I wish I had these when I was 9:
• You need to use a fresh egg. There's no substitute for that. Trust. Me.
• I always add a tiny bit of vinegar to the water first (about 1 TBSP per pint). Something about the chemicals helps to keep the egg together as it cooks.
• Bring the water only to the slightest boil. A roaring boil can pock the egg and leave bubbles.
• To make sure your egg is perfectly shaped, crack it into a small bowl first, and then tip the egg from the bowl into the boiling water.

Two other things. First, I'm not a believer in the whirlpool technique for poaching eggs. I've tried this "chef secret" many times and just find it messy. I used to work with a sous chef who liked to say: "Whirlpools are for happy blokes, not cracked yokes." I couldn't agree more.

Second, don't overcook the egg. It probably needs a maximum of 3 minutes, covered. A runny yoke is always preferred, unless you are classless. (You know who you are.) 

For more of this blog post click here

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