Monday, 13 July 2009

Kitty: Oh that’s right, lawyers are not made they’re born. OK fine counselor, talk.
Kevin: This is a copy of the Republican sponsored constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage which your boss voted for.
Kitty: He’s not my boss. You know what, you and I have argued about these issues for years, we have agreed to disagree a hundred times you’ve never had a problem before.
Kevin: That’s because before it was just rhetoric.
Kitty: No, it’s never been rhetoric.
Kevin: You know when people ask me, how can you let your sister spew all that right-wing garbage on television, and not disown her, I tell them it’s because I know she loves me. I know she wants what’s best for me and what’s best for this country. But the day you start working for this guy, it’s not about what you believe in anymore it’s about what he does, and there’s not one single thing in all this legislation , all these speeches that suggest he will do what’s best for me, In fact there’s a lot of evidence to the contrary. All I’m asking is that you consider that before saying yes to this offer, that’s all.
Kitty: Fine. I will.
Kevin: Really?
Kitty: Um-hmm, really. You know, why is it that this family thinks that I am incapable of rational conversation?
Kevin: Well…
Kitty: Ah-ah…court is adjourned.

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