Monday 8 November 2010

Resolved - Episode Synopsis

Now you know the drill already, don't read on unless you want the spoilers!

So anyway this episode "Resolved" pretty much leads you to guess exactly what happens through the episode
  • Nora gets a wee crush on a fellow Radio presenter
  • Paige is doing a school debate and she wants Kevin and Scotty to help her with it as she thinks it will get them back together
  • Kevin is annoyed that Kitty and Sarah have spoken to Scotty. Oh calm down Kevin!
  • Justin drops Holly off at the hospital and flirts with one of the nurses...
  • Kitty and Sarah decide to go into business together but then it turns into a debate and then a full scaled argument and then Nora gets in the middle....
  • Through Paige's debate practice, Kevin and Scotty use the time to throw insults at each other :-(
  • Paige has the last laugh she lures them to her house separately and leaves. This time Scotty gets to tell Kevin how he feels...
  • Nora is having a photo shoot at the station and Kitty and Sarah arrive for it and they continue bickering and Nora calls of the shoot!
  • Nora has dinner with her fellow radio presenter ;-)
  • Sarah and Kitty make up (see resolved) and Kitty is going to go into teaching and Sarah is going to buy Nora's radio station... hang on...What?
  • Kevin and Scotty have their big talk where you wonder if this is the moment it will be resolved...
  • Justin think he might have messed things up with the nurse but he manages to convince her to coffee. Nice to see him smiling again :-)
  • Then for Paige's debate... things get resolved...
Another great episode. What did you think?

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