Friday 14 August 2009

Swine Flu Hits Brothers & Sisters

Though it's set to return on September this year, filming for the ABC show Brothers and Sisters was put on halt for a day at the end of July. According to online sources the set of the hit drama was struck with the dreaded swine flu when a crew member was found infected with the virus.

Production was reportedly interrupted for one day, July 27, when one worker started to show symptoms of the potentially lethal illness. It was actress Sally Field, who tapped into her motherly skills, who took control of the situation.

Sources confirm that the 62-year-old star insisted on shutting down the set in order to lessen the risk of the disease spreading. She was particularly concerned about those with young families and children.

An insider revealed more about the situation, saying "Sally took control and personally pulled the plug. She didn't even give the producers time to react."

The veteran actress was especially worried about Rachel Griffiths, who plays the character Sarah Walker on Brothers and Sisters.

"She was fiercely concerned about everyone, especially her co-star Rachel Griffiths," the source went on. "Sally snapped at producers, 'Rachel's got a newborn! There's no way in hell we're going back to work until this set is declared 100 per cent safe!'"

Later that day, medics were called in to check the set of the ABC drama. It was soon cleared, and filming continued.

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