Monday 7 March 2011

Home is where the fort is - Episode Synopsis

Another episode synopsis;
  • There's a new Walker as Kevin & Scotty officially adopt Olivia. 
  • Nora and Sarah go to see Kitty in DC and think she's now working in the CIA, in fact she's not but again there are health troubles (which I guess could mean Kitty's character could be written out in the future *sad face*)
  • With Sarah away it's time for some Luc and Paige bonding time. Uber cute!
  • Zach thinks Justin has PTSD
  • Olivia takes over Kevin & Scotty's apartment with "Gecko Town" - which I admit I might make!
  • As it's Evan's birthday they have a big Walker party, only without the arguments this time - but where was Saul?
What did you think of the episode?

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