Sunday 27 February 2011

The One That Got Away - Episode Synopsis

Umm so I've been a bit MIA in the episode write-ups, forgive me? Ok phew :-)

So anyway-
  • It's Valentine's Day and in Walker fashion it's not really a romantic one at all
  • Saul ends up portraying his feelings for Jonathan whilst serving Jonathan and a food critic in the restaurant. Let's just say it's all about the shrimps!
  • Justin helps Luc to try to prepare a romantic dinner for Sarah but it goes wrong and then when Luc agrees with Justin that a night bowling was more Sarah... she then calls to say she's busy with work. Only it's not work it's family stuff
  • Tommy tells Sarah that Rose has found some stuff with the family tree about her birth certificate. This leads to a Walker meeting without Nora
  • Sarah then asks Nora if Brody is her father and Nora tells her to go and get a DNA test done if she is unsure
  • At the end Sarah takes a visit to visit... Brody

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