Thursday 9 July 2009

Kevin: What are you doing?
Jason: Looking for a band-aid. One of my cousins cut himself.
Kevin: Well that doesn't surprised me. I'm shocked half of them made it to adulthood.
Jason: You think we're so beneath you, don't you?
Kevin: Ah, I think you're all insane yeah, and drunk.
Jason: Yeah? What's that like your fourth margarita? Why don't you just carry around a pitcher?
Kevin: Well at least I'm not stealing the flower arrangements.
Jason: Ok. For the record, you're allowed to take flower arrangements home at a party.
Kevin: Mm. Usually when the party's over. At the moment one of your cousins minivans look like a florist's truck.
Jason: Well your Uncle Saul practically tackled my Aunt Phyllis.
Kevin: Yeah, he was trying to stop her from replacing the shellfish tower with an artichoke mold.
Jason: It's an artichoke ambrosia.
Kevin: Oh.
Jason: Why are you such an unpleasant person?
Kevin: What do you care?
Jason: I don't.
Kevin: You didn't come in here looking for a band-aid, did you? You came in here looking for me.
Jason: Maybe.
*Jason and Kevin make out*

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