Robert: Alright, is the wedding back on?
Justin: Yes.
Kitty: So tell them that this is the most incredible place to get married.
Robert: Where?
Kitty: The Zoo.
Robert: Well, Justin will fit right in.
Robert, Justin & Kitty - Almost Normal
Robert: Alright, is the wedding back on?
Justin: Yes.
Kitty: So tell them that this is the most incredible place to get married.
Robert: Where?
Kitty: The Zoo.
Robert: Well, Justin will fit right in.
Kitty: Things can change in the blink of an eye.
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"
Kitty: You are young and you are beautiful.
Rebecca: Are you drunk?
Kitty: You are gonna have to embrace your inner princess.
Rebecca: I don't have an inner princess.
Kitty: You are gonna have to get one.
Kevin [about Scotty and Evan]: They are so cute together. He's like the baby whisperer.